Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located and what are your opening hours?
We are located in Singapore. Full directions and opening hours here.

How do I know which vintage furniture items are still available in-store from the website?
Any item that is not described or listed as "Sold" or "On hold" (pending payment) on the product title is still available in-store.

Is every piece of vintage furniture listed online?
We try to list as many as possible, but we have more in-store at all times.

Are all the furniture pieces at Noden vintage and how old are they?
Yes. All our vintage Scandinavian furniture pieces at Noden are guaranteed 100% vintage and authentic. We specialize in original vintage Mid-Century and Scandinavian Modern design, in particular Danish Modern classics from the 1940s - 1970s.

Are all of the vintage furniture pieces at Noden restored?
Many of our vintage pieces have been restored, which is why most of the furniture you find at Noden is in fantastic condition. Vintage pieces that are in good to excellent original condition are available "as is", and we also offer furniture restoration and, upholstery services with new premium aniline leather, fabric, or synthetic leather upon request for pieces from Noden only.

Please note that we do not offer paper cord or leather restoration services for chairs

Can I restore my furniture or reupholster my chairs with Noden?
We provide after-sales service for repairs, restoration and upholstery for furniture purchased from us only, with proof of purchase (invoice).

We do not offer paper cord or leather restoration services for chairs.

If I see something that is no longer available, is Noden able to help source for the same piece?
Yes. We source for iconic designer pieces from Hans Wegner, Finn Juhl, Børge Mogensen, Kai Kristiansen etc. Lesser-known designs are harder to find at times, but we will do our best to source a similar piece for you, and if we're lucky, we may find the same item. Drop by our shop and have a chat with us, we will take you through the process and terms of custom sourcing.

Can I customise furniture with Noden?
No. We do not customise any furniture or original design. We are, however, able to help you source for original vintage Scandinavian design with our custom sourcing services.

Do you buy or take in used furniture?
We only take in original vintage Scandinavian or Mid-century furniture pieces on a case by case basis. We do not buy or take in "replica" furniture pieces or normal used (pre-loved) furniture.